Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Response to Dexter

     I would have to say that all of what Dexter says in this article seems to make a lot of sense. Her guidelines and suggestions are all simple and appropriate for educators. Many of them seem like they would be common sense, such as making sure that the use of technology is conducive with the learning outcomes. It is very easy to see how some teachers could view new technology the same way a young child views a new toy. They want to use it right away no matter what, but in doing this sometimes, the technology being used does not really fit as well as one would hope. As teachers, we need to make sure that the technology we are using is appropriate and keeps us on track to achieve our objectives. The other important point that Dexter makes is that the technology "provides added value". This is similarly important to the previous point in that we need to make sure that we are not using technology just for the sake of using it, but because it can allow us and the students to do more, or better than had we not used it. 

     The one thing that Dexter did make mention of once, which I believe was understated was the fact that many school districts do not have the money to use technology in the vision that she seems to have. Yes, it would be great to have a computer in every classroom for every student, but the reality is that it is just not possible. It is not even possible for some schools to have multiple computer labs with up to date software and effective support services. So, while thinking about some of those "School Level Principles" money more often than not is the limiting factor. 

     All of the suggestions made are good simple ideas and questions that educators should refer back to regularly to make sure that the technology is used in the most appropriate way possible, and that the students are getting the most out of their learning by using it.

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