Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Personal Reflections on Technology

     Being a younger person, I have grown up with computers, so I would say I'm pretty comfortable with most of today's technology. I know that I am not as advanced as most people when it comes to my personal life. I obviously own a computer, which I use for basic everyday use for things like email, internet, and simple stuff. I do have an ipod, which I use all the time, but past that I keep it pretty simple. I do not own, and at this time have no interest in owning a smart phone. I just don't feel like it is something I need and keep a busy enough schedule that I do not need to e checking email and the internet at all points during the day. I have been off Facebook and all other social network sites for a few years now. This is more of a professional matter because I have always felt it to be important for teachers and students to keep the teacher-student relationship at that. Facebook only creates a dangerous path that can jeopardize that relationship.
      As far as professionally, I use technology on a very minimal level. As I said before, I know how to use various technology tools, but using them in a physical education setting can often times be somewhat difficult and even counterproductive. Our main goal in phys. ed is to get students moving as much as possible. Taking class time to sit at a computer to upload pictures and do other things takes away from that. Having said that, after now seeing how easy it is to set up a blog, it would be great to be able to have students set up blogs to keep exercise journals and do things like that. I am curious to see what other things can be done that would be a simple and fast thing that students can do that would apply to physical education. Since I do feel very comfortable using computers and technology, I don't think that there will be any great difficulty trying to implement some of these things. 

     I think that other than having some difficulty implementing certain aspects of technology into a physical education setting, I do not really have any great concerns for this course. As I said earlier, I am looking forward to seeing what other possibilities there are for implementing technology into my classes.

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